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My Vision

Aaron Rice headshots edited HR-9.jpg

I live in this community, I care about this community and the people in it. I also care about the legacy that we are leaving for our future generation.


In speaking with folks at community events as well as door knocking. I hear your concerns. I will address these issues with a balanced approach.

Traffic and Transit:​​​

Increased traffic flow in Halifax - and particularly here in Bedford - has taken away from the quality of life of Bedfordites. We must continue to invest in infrastructure to alleviate the unnecessary stress of sitting in traffic. We need to rebuild the relationship people have with transit. You do that by offering reliable, accessible and affordable transportation. By increasing use, we take more cars off the road which affects congestion, less wear and tear on road and is better for the environment.

Affordable Housing:​​​

Halifax is experiencing a Housing Crisis. People are especially struggling to find affordable housing. This needs to be addressed with deliberate and intentional planning.

Flood and Climate:

We are in a climate crisis and we need to be responsible and take appropriate action. After attending the floodplain rezoning and remapping meeting, it was shocking to learn that It’s been a concern for quite sometime. Those that now are included in the floodplain remapping and those that have been apart of it since the beginning are frustrated. Rightly so. I understand, and I want to continue get answers and find solutions.

Environment Protection:​​​

Protecting our green spaces in Bedford and throughout the city. Research shows that green spaces have a positive impact on both the environment and on the mental health of those who access green spaces. Halifax's access to green spaces is an essential part of maintaining quality of life here. Below is a link to the Green Network Plan. It should be used to guide the regions growth.

Our Sense of Community:​​​

Bedford is a wonderful place to live. We have to continue to foster a sense of belonging and connection to meet the needs of our diverse population. We have a wealth of community groups, organizations and businesses that host and promote social aspects of togetherness. We need to continue to find ways to build a strong sense of community.​​

Lets Chat!

Email, Call or Set up a discussion over coffee

I have professional experience tackling tough social issues. I will support and advocate for the constituents of District 16 with a down to earth, common sense approach coupled with work ethic, honesty and reliability.

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